
QuiPtaping is available from Resellers. Enter your Postal Code or Place, click on distance and you will immediately see where our products are available.


The worldwide distribution of QuiPtaping is provided and coordinated by Deltafix International BV. Deltafix is ​​an international wholesaler and creator of innovative store concepts for the Retail and Wholesale in the tool industry.

We send thousands of orders/packages to customers worldwide 24/7 from our headquarters and logistics centre in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. Due to our excellent logistics processes, Deltafix has a delivery rate of more than 99 percen

Affiliate partner

We welcome initiatives to become affiliate partner. The advantages for you: no stock, no handling such as packaging and overheads; the benefits, not the burdens. Contact details are listed above. 

Want to become Reseller? You can make this known by sending an email  or by telephone: +31 6 52 08 85 99. You can of course also send an e-mail stating Company, business activities, stating Chamber of Commerce number, contact person, telephone number. We will then contact you directly.