
What masking tape for what surface

Glass, tiles and metal

QuiP® tape Gold is best suited for masking smooth surfaces.

If the varnish has hardened enough (at least 6 weeks after application), QuiP® tape Gold can also be used.

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Stone en gips

For these surfaces, tape with greater adhesion is required due to the coarse structure of walls and ceilings. However, the tape must not have too much adhesive force.

We therefore advise you on QuiP® tape RED.

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Wallpaper & latex

Suitable for sensitive surfaces such as wallpaper and latex. If the wall paint is applied “fresh” and you want to stick tape, then we recommend a tape with less adhesive strength, in this case QuiP® tape PURPLE.

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Newly painted surface

QuiP® Tape GREEN is strong, smooth and tight so that solvents and moisture no longer have a chance to penetrate under the tape. This creates beautiful sharp paint edges. QuiP® Tape GREEN works optimally on freshly painted surfaces

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